Australian Owned Family Business Since 1939

3 Reasons to Consider Australian Nuts

The Australian Nut Industry has grown rapidly over the past few decades and isn’t slowing down. Here are three reasons why you should consider choosing Australian Nuts.

1. Industry Growth

Australia has a very successful tree nut industry that is growing at an incredible rate. With a farm gate of over AU$1 Billion (2019), expectations are set to see that nearly double in a few years.

“The tree-nut business is currently undergoing its most massive development in a decade, with new plantings taking place across the board. With a 5 to 10 year lead time, this diversification will bring the farm gate value to almost AU$1.7 billion by 2025.” 

 Macadamia growers have increased area of production by 5,000 ha in the last few years, with $150 million invested annually. (ANIC, 2019)

Since 2016, the almond industry has been investing $250 million per year in the establishment of new orchards, and developments will continue this trend for the next few years. As a result, almond production is estimated to rise by 74% by 2025. (ANIC, 2019)

 Chestnuts are predicted to increase production by 36% on 2017-18 levels by 2025. (ANIC, 2019)

Pistachios are predicted to increase production by 88% on 2017-18 levels by 2025 (ANIC, 2019)

  By 2025, walnut production is forecast to increase by 71%. (ANIC, 2019)

  By 2025, pecan production is forecast to increase by 175% (ANIC, 2019)

Through strong business models & advantageous trade agreements, the Australian Tree Nut Industry has seen amazing success, which has led to AU$500 Million in new investments each year. If you wish to learn more you can do so here.

2. Domestic Demand

Nut consumption in Australia is on the rise and with that the demand for Australian tree nuts.

“The sector has sustained growth in domestic consumption of 6% year on year over the last 15 years. The industry value at retail of the domestic market exceeds $1.5 million per annum (2018).” (ANIC, 2019)

This is due to Aussies being one of the most health-focused consumers in the world. Corresponding with the numerous health benefits being discovered about nuts every year, nut demand continues to rise. 

Nuts infographicOn top of that, with Australian consumer’s preference of Australian products, the growing tree nut industry coincides with growing demand and a preference for home-grown produce.

“We found that the overwhelming majority (a massive 96%) buy Australian made products.” (Power Retail, 2022)

The demand for Australian Nuts is growing and is forecasted to continue doing so at an incredible rate!

3. High Quality Producer

Australia’s Tree Nut Industry is renowned for it’s world-class standards & procedures. With customers becoming more knowledgeable about food safety, Aussies can trust Australia’s standards in pest and disease prevention. 

“Australia is an island nation surrounded by oceans that act as natural barriers to some of the most troublesome and costly pests and diseases that affect nut crops in other countries.” (ANIC, 2019)

Modern slavery is another point of concern that is prominent in other nations. Unfortunately, the nut industry is of high risk of modern slavery due to its use of unskilled, temporary and outsourced labour in the supply chain. (Trumps Modern Slavery Statement, 2022). This is much less of a concern in Australia.

Australian Horticulture is at the global forefront, consistently adapting to the latest production innovations each year. Pecan and almond growers from traditional growing countries such as the USA regularly visit Australia to learn Australian techniques. The Australian macadamia industry provides research and development information to the rest of the world. 

Find Trumps range of Australian Nuts Below!

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Sed id est mauris. Quisque vulputate fermentum cursus. Donec tempor
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