Australian Owned Family Business Since 1939

Covid Update January 2022

Dear Customers,

Happy New Year to all our valued customers. We hope 2022 will be a prosperous and happy New Year for you all.

As you are well aware the latest changes to how we deal with all the issues that COVID brings to our lives is a challenge.

We have been working for months to bring forward shipments to counteract the delays in international freight which has certainly tested companies across Australia and for that matter the world. The stock situation should improve in the coming weeks as we received a number of containers that were months overdue over the last 2 weeks. It will take a few days for this stock to be packed down and flow through.

We have had a number of people from our warehousing and production teams who have reported in today that they are having to stay home and isolate as part of the Governments guidelines. This is going to cause some delays to manufacturing products and dispatching orders.

The situation is continuing to evolve and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Our staff are working to get your orders out as quickly as we can and to ensure we deliver your orders to you with least disruptions as possible at this time.

Please do not hesitate to call your Trumps representative or Trumps Customer Service on 07 3274 7111 to understand the status of your order or on future stock availability.

Yours sincerely,

Phil Gair

National Sales and Marketing Manager

Trumps Foods

Maecenas at elementum sapien.
Quisque dolor dui, viverra non arcu non,
facilisis finibus dolor. Quisque pharetra
sit amet lectus quis tincidunt. Donec
pharetra velit mi, vitae faucibus nulla
rutrum ac. Aliquam interdum purus
vitae commodo efficitur.

Morbi mi nisi, venenatis vitae lacinia eu,
facilisis venenatis nunc. Nunc et purus
ut felis luctus dignissim volutpat sed mi.
Sed imperdiet porttitor mi sit amet
vestibulum. Vestibulum leo velit,
sollicitudin ac pulvinar at, fermentum
sed nisi. Praesent ultrices mi magna, et
porttitor augue fermentum et.

Sed id est mauris quisque vulputate
fermentum cursus donec tempor

Quality Food Products. Healthy, Tasty & Better For Your Consumers.

Sed id est mauris. Quisque vulputate fermentum cursus. Donec tempor
consectetur eros eu ultricies. Phasellus sed libero nibh. Vestibulum convallis orci
vel facilisis finibus. Nam accumsan ligula augue, eleifend aliquet risus porta non.
Nullam id enim sed dui iaculis viverra. Fusce scelerisque magna libero, at convallis
sem posuere id. Aliquam arcu enim, lacinia ut sagittis eget, interdum eget justo.

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